
I'm a full-stack web developer from Michigan.

After a few years traversing North America as an accredited motor sports journalist, I discovered web development late in the summer of 2020. I decided it would make for a fulfilling career, and I began coding.

I’ve now completed CareerFoundry’s Full-Stack Web Development Program and am ready to step into my first role in the industry. I brought my polished writing skills and keen attention to detail into the project-based online bootcamp and reached the other side with a greater understanding of the fundamentals — HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — plus many of the tools, frameworks, and libraries that comprise today’s web development landscape.

Away from my laptop, I’m training to race motocross for my first time in 13 years. I enjoy mountain biking, snowboarding, playing the drums, reading, and watching motocross vlogs.

Aaron Durant at Grand Hotel